A 403B Plan is basically a type of retirement plan. One of the main differences between it and a 401k is who the plan is made for. This plan is usually set up by the employer but can also be set up by the individual themself. So as an educator, your school can have an insurance company they refer you to, but you can set up the plan by yourself. You would just need proof that you are an educator.
In a 403B plan, you can make your own contributions. And something that you should know is that with us, your account participates in the market gains, which means when the stock market increases, your account increases as well. This is beneficial for anyone with this plan because if your contributions are small, you can still get some increases.
This plan has its own benefit, and many have found it helpful when they have the right insurance agent helping them out. We at Best Life Insurance promise that you will get the best service and benefits if you choose to do 403B Rollovers with our agents and us.
Who is a 403B Plan For
Not just anyone can sign up for a 403B plan. This retirement plan was specifically made for teachers and educators. This is what makes the main difference between it and a 401k.
It is important to note that an employer is not obligated to contribute to this plan, but they can if they would like. So, when you set up this plan, you are able to look at your teaching contract and benefits. If the school you’re working with states that they will contribute an amount to your 403B account, then you can let them know you’ve opened an account.
As said before, this insurance plan is only for teachers and educators. It works with the career they have chosen. In addition, It is important to note that when you are signing up for the account, the insurance agent will take the information from your last 5 years of working, and this includes your salary. All of this works together to get you the best policy possible. So, by the time you’re ready to withdraw your money, it benefits you to the fullest extent.